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What do the responses tell us about which plants represent the school community in our example?

I carefully color coded the team responses I received to these questions:
• Which plants have been successful?
• Which plants didn’t work at all?
• Which plants do you never tire of growing?

It was really interesting to me, that the school in our example has an apple orchard and none of the teaching teams elected to consider the apple trees as a component of the garden. I found this fascinating. And it makes me think about how I might need to change the way I frame these questions in the future. I added apples into the plants based on my classroom and garden observations.

I then considered the seasons, and assigned the vegetables and fruits to the appropriate growing season for the location of the school, in Berkeley California.

1. Lettuces
2. Carrots
3. Squash: Zucchini

4. Tomatoes, cherry size
5. Herbs (many different herbs will be identified as I go through the creation process)
6. Apples

7. Chard
8. Broccoli
9. Kale

10. Fava Beans
11. Radishes
12. Potatoes

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